Our API is based on JWT (JSON Web Token), we use JWT (HS256 - HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm) In order to start the integration you need to generate secret and key tokens. The Key will be used to identify your request and the Secret will be used for encoding and decoding your payload.
Getting started
First you need to login to ZenHR to generate your key and secret tokens
Go to settings
Select API Keys tab
Click on (+ Add) button to add new key and secret
The Name field is just a label to let you know which API Key is used for which integration
The Permissions field will be used to identify your allowed actions in your requests to ZenHR
The IP Addresses field is optional, however; we highly recommend adding them, in that case we will not accept any request to your account other than the ones that come form your IP Addresses
Note: The IP Addresses must be splitted by comma in case you wanted to enter more that a single IP Address
After Filling your fields, click on create to generate you API Keys
Now That you have created you API Key successfully click on Copy Key and Copy Secret to copy them
In every request you make to ZenHR you need to do add your key to the header
You should note that you have a limit of 500 request everyday.
import chilkat
# Demonstrates how to create an HMAC JWT using a shared secret (password).
# This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
jwt = chilkat.CkJwt()
# Build the JOSE header
jose = chilkat.CkJsonObject()
success = jose.AppendString("alg","HS256")
success = jose.AppendString("typ","JWT")
# Now build the JWT claims (also known as the payload)
claims = chilkat.CkJsonObject()
success = claims.AppendString("iss","http://example.org")
success = claims.AppendString("sub","John")
success = claims.AppendString("aud","http://example.com")
# Set the timestamp of when the JWT was created to now.
curDateTime = jwt.GenNumericDate(0)
success = claims.AddIntAt(-1,"iat",curDateTime)
# Set the "not process before" timestamp to now.
success = claims.AddIntAt(-1,"nbf",curDateTime)
# Set the timestamp defining an expiration time (end time) for the token
# to be now + 1 hour (3600 seconds)
success = claims.AddIntAt(-1,"exp",curDateTime + 3600)
# Produce the smallest possible JWT:
strJwt = jwt.createJwt(jose.emit(),claims.emit(),"secret")
import chilkat
# Demonstrates how to create an HMAC JWT using a shared secret (password).
# This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
jwt = chilkat.CkJwt()
# Build the JOSE header
jose = chilkat.CkJsonObject()
success = jose.AppendString("alg","HS256")
success = jose.AppendString("typ","JWT")
# Now build the JWT claims (also known as the payload)
claims = chilkat.CkJsonObject()
success = claims.AppendString("iss","http://example.org")
success = claims.AppendString("sub","John")
success = claims.AppendString("aud","http://example.com")
# Set the timestamp of when the JWT was created to now.
curDateTime = jwt.GenNumericDate(0)
success = claims.AddIntAt(-1,"iat",curDateTime)
# Set the "not process before" timestamp to now.
success = claims.AddIntAt(-1,"nbf",curDateTime)
# Set the timestamp defining an expiration time (end time) for the token
# to be now + 1 hour (3600 seconds)
success = claims.AddIntAt(-1,"exp",curDateTime + 3600)
# Produce the smallest possible JWT:
strJwt = jwt.createJwt(jose.emit(),claims.emit(),"secret")
By default we paginate data before responding to your request, the default is 10 records per page, you may change that by passing per_page param in the URL
since we are paginating the data, you need to specify which page you want to request using page param, if you did not pass this param we will respond with the first page
the total number of all records, not the number of the records in current page
total number of pages
JSON object with the requested data
However not all responses will have this structure of respnose, for example when you request a specific record it will only return the data without the other params
In order to fetch data use GET method
Please note that the encoded payload which comes from us will be valid for only a 1 minute, after the 1 minute the payload will be invalid.
use this end point to test your integration.
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/ping
when you make a successful request, ping will response with a payload which does not has an expiry time, so that you can test your decode method.you should get the following after decoding the payload successfully
{ data: { ping: 'Pong' } }
In order to fetch all branches data
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/branches
for a single branch
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/branches/BRANCH_ID
In order to fetch all employees data
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/employees?branch_id=BRANCH_ID
for a single employee
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/employees/EMPLOYEE_ID?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
Professional data
In order to fetch all employees professional data
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/professional_data?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
to get all professional data for a single employee
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/employees/YOUR_EMPLOYEE_ID/professional_data?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
to get the current professional data for a single employee
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/employees/YOUR_EMPLOYEE_ID/professional_data/active?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
Financial data
In order to fetch all employees financial data
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/financial_data?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
to get all financial data for a single employee
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/employees/YOUR_EMPLOYEE_ID/financial_data?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
to get the active financial data for a single employee
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/employees/YOUR_EMPLOYEE_ID/financial_data/active?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
Financial transactions
In order to fetch all employees financial transactions
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/financial_transactions?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
to get all financial transactions for a single employee
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/employees/YOUR_EMPLOYEE_ID/financial_transactions?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
In order to fetch all employees salaries
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/salaries?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID
to get all salaries for a single employee
curl --header "key: YOUR_KEY" --request GET https://api.zenhr.com/integration/v1/employees/YOUR_EMPLOYEE_ID/salaries?branch_id=EMPLOYEE_BRANCH_ID